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  • 东营市邦恩医疗设备有限公司
  • 联系时请告知消息来自3618医疗器械网
  • 联系人:3618医疗器械网客服
  • 联系电话:020-32784919
  • 手机号码:020-32784919
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东营邦恩医疗设备有限公司,位于中国年轻的、具有发展潜力的黄河三角洲兵圣孙子故里----广饶。东青高速穿境而过。济青高速、滨博高速相邻而引,交通十分便利。本公司是集翻身床研发生产销售为一体的专业性公司。公司技术力量雄厚,设备精良,工艺精湛。现已开发出360度遥控翻身护理床、电动/手动仿生翻身床等多个国家专利产品。同时公司以市场为导向,生产销售医用床系列、医用车、橱、柜等多个系列的品种规格的医疗设备。产品已覆盖全国,并已销售印度、俄罗斯等国家。 本公司本着 “质量,用户至上”的宗旨,争创企业,做产品,创业绩。竭诚为新老客户提供优质的产品和服务。

ONGYING BANG-EN MEDICAL Equipment Co., LTD is a prefessional manufacturer of Crank BED, specializes in R&D,? production and Marketing. We locate in GuangRao, ShanDong Province, which is the youngest and most developing potential City in China. With our strength, skilful technology and advanced equipment, we have successfully launched kinds of Crank Bed and got the patent from the government, including 360 degree Crank BED, Electical/ Manual Crank BED, etc. At the same time, we are developing related series instruments, such as Medical Bed, Trolly, Cupboard, etc.We have built up prefessional distribution network in the whole territory of China.And exported to Asia, Africa. “Best Quality, serve customers” is our goal, We will do our best to set up the top-class industry, supply Reliable Quality and Satisfied Service to all our customers!
